How Will Instagram's New Live Location Sharing Change Social Media Connections Forever?

Instagram’s new Live Location Sharing feature is poised to revolutionize how we connect and interact on social media, bringing a fresh layer of real-time engagement that could change the landscape forever. Here’s a deeper dive into how this new feature could reshape social media connections:

  • Dropdown Management: Utilize separate DropdownBase, DropdownOptions, and Dropdown components to handle dropdown behavior, state management, and reusable logic for multi-selection, accessibility, and dynamic rendering.
  • Dynamic Styling: Use clsx for conditional class management based on states like isOpen, disabled, or error, with Tailwind CSS for consistent design and responsive behavior.
  • Accessibility: Ensure compliance with ARIA attributes (aria-expanded, aria-controls, aria-label) and implement keyboard navigation support (e.g., ArrowDown, ArrowUp, Enter).
  • Event Handlers: Integrate event handlers like onDropdownClick, onChange, and onSeeAllClick for managing interactions, selection changes, and option visibility.
  • Testability & Customization: Include testID for testing and support customizations through props such as options, label, helperText, and buttonProps.